Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Eff You, Winter Weather!

With the onset of winter weather here at UVM, the residence halls have turned the heat on. That's not a bad thing, right? That way we aren't balls cold at night and shivering through the night. Unfortunately, the air is very dry.

I am currently sitting in my dorm and my nose hurts. It is very dry from breathing this air in all the time. We aren't really sure what to do. My roommate thinks we ought to get a humidifier, but I don't know. Are they even allowed? It would be nice!

A friend of mine down the hall actually woke up with a nose bleed from the dry air. This is borderline ridiculous! In any event, despite the rules, my roommate said he's going to get a humidifier tomorrow. That should make things a lot better.

As an aside: Fuck winter. It is the worst. I have been in Vermont my entire life and I hate it. The leaves only look cool for so long. The snow is always too cold for reality. I am definitely not staying in this state. I am thinking tornado alley. Sure, tornadoes are worse than snow, but they are only around for about 10 minutes, not months and months, they hit a small area rather than EVERYWHERE and they are at least warm. 'Nuff said.



charlotte snowe said...

Really? the airs that bad in your dorm building? that's odd. are the buildings older at harris millis than on redstone?
ill have to google that.

and how can you possibly hate winter! think about it, while youre at UVM you don't have to drive in the snow. there are so many mountains nearby, and prime sledding turf behind the gym.

I'm sorry, call me crazy but i love snow with a passion!

Kaleb said...

You're Crazy.

M. Haji Bigman said...

seriously, you hate the vermont winter? that's understandable I guess. I actually love it but to each his own. But wait.... humidifiers are against the rule? o fuck that. that's just stupid. I cant even begin to image the kind of reasonin they could come up with. first, lava lamps will burn the dorms down. Now, humidifiers can flood it? seriously, wtf?

Melissa Partington said...

How can someone hate the winter weather? It is one of the few times that you get to see the stark beauty of the world, without all the colors interfering. Plus, I love to play in the snow. And the hot chocolate, and christmas lights. The holiday decorations, etc.

Are you one of the two people in all of Vermont that didn't like the valentine's day blizzard?

Kaleb said...

I like winter. When it happens elsewhere. I have no use for cold snow. The only reason people use hot cocoa is to relieve the symptoms of winter. If you get rid of winter then there is no need for hot cocoa and, what's more, you can be warm. All the time.

Who honestly likes being balls cold over being warm? Crazy people. CRAZY PEOPLE!!!

But hey, if you want to go freeze to death, more power to you. You'll even be helping with overpopulation and global hunger.