Thursday, October 9, 2008

Why Alice's Soundtrack Kicked Ass

Honestly I wasn't a huge fan of this whole Alice business, it seemed like one of Steve's adventures gone very wrong (See "The Adventure of Steve" for reference) with some scarring childhood expieriences and a lot of death thrown in.. What really caught my attention was the fusion of two very different musical genres as the soundtrack. 
Lets be honest, how many of us have actually dabbled in ElectronOpera (Yeah, thats a real genre name, No I didn't make it up). I admire explorations in music, especially when people are combining elements of music that we don't usually see together. Example: "Contradanza", everybody's favorite juxtaposition of classical violin with techno. It was just pointed out in class that this ElectronOpera bears a resemblance to the "Diva Dance" in "The Fifth Element" (you may or may not think this movie is complete trash, if anything else, its damn entertaining). 

They should release a compilation of this stuff on iTunes. I wouldn't buy it. Some people might though. Apparently people buy the High School Music soundtracks, so as far as I'm concerned, pretty much anything can sell.

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