Sunday, October 26, 2008

Lord of the Skim

Okay, so this weekend I had to take an online reading quiz for Racial and Ethnic Geographies in the United States. That's GEOG 060, if you were wondering. I have had to do several, and they are always 2 weeks apart. Due to the midterm, though, we had one moved and one other was devoted entirely to a book we were to have read, "The Fire Next Time" by James Baldwin (a decent book, I might add).

Well, due to one thing or another, I had somehow gotten 3 weeks behind on readings. The fact that I have a ridiculous English teacher who assigns books all willy-nilly didn't help at all, let me add.

In any event, I digress (what's new?). I had to catch up on 3 weeks' worth of readings and take the quiz this morning in anticipation of class tomorrow at 9 a.m. (Fleming 101 if you are interested in sitting in). I read all of the readings but the last (it was 15 pages long and I'd been reading for a VERY long time).

I scored a 90. Nice!

Moral of the story: It's alright to slack, as long as you are an excellent skimmer.

Also: this is a video called "Driving on Salvia" and it is hilarious. Don't be appalled when you see it. They had no intention of driving. Note the duct tape over the ignition.

Quite droll!


Doug DeMaio said...

HAHAHA That kid was classic. Drunk people can be mean/annoying/needy/emotional and high people can be boring/hungry/nonconversational but someone tripping balls is always good solid entertainment. Especially when you involve a video camera and a house cat! Woo!

He thought that he was going to space... haha

bLOWFISH said...

huh, you are in this class too? basically i too didn't read since that midterm. i spent all of sunday "reading"- i also felt like skipping out on those 15 pg articles, after spending 20 minutes on it and only being on the first page i realized i have no attention span, gave up and decided to just wake up at 6 am this morning to take the quiz before class. BUT i must not be an awesome slacker like you because i got a freakin 79. ugh. this quiz was pretty hard for not reading the articles, they were more general themes of the articles instead of specific things where you could just turn to a paragraph and just read that. for such an easy class, its kicking my butt.