Monday, December 15, 2008

What the F*** happened to winter?

It seems as if Kaleb's wishes were granted; God decided to cancal winter this year. Ok, it supposed to snow alot this week so its only temporary but serious, how does it go from being wind chill of -10 to nearly 55 degrees out overnight? I happen to enjoy winter and find freshly fallen snow to be incredibly sublime and beautiful. The current state of brown mud combined with the ugliest, damp, green grass and the little bit of whats left of the snow amkes for an incredibly depressing sight.

Granted it was awesome to walk to the Marche this morning in gym shorts, but I still miss my Winter. When I decided to go here I signed up for a solid 5 months of harsh snow, ice, and wind, none of this weak early groundhog day shit. I am not even one of those skiiers who constantly is bitching about the conditions at Jay, Stow, Bolton, or wherever. Plus I think the mountains should be fine. As far as those of us who opt for the Nordic variety of skiing, we should pretty much accept that conditions will be invariably shitty down here next to the lake.

The forecast is looking good for the rest of the week for snow, so maybe god decided that he would reinstate winter and give us humans one mroe chance after fucking up the environment so much.

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