Monday, December 15, 2008

The best of Broomball

Many are probably familiar with the sport of broomball, and intramural favorite here at UVM. It's pretty much floor hockey on ice but without skates, a bigger ball, and weird sticks. Apparently it originated in Canada (the first week I was under the imprssion it was UVM exclusive, false) and now has spread throughout North America. I made a post a while back about the specifics of broomball. The jist of it probably was that it is incredibly fun to play and hilarious to watch since pretty much everyone sucks unless they have a lengthy background in hockey. Also the fact that many students choose to participate inebriated can add to the potential humor.

My perception of the sport changed drastically when a floormate showed me a highlight video of the Canadian National Broomball team. It is nothing short of ridiculous, although prior experience actually playing the sport would enhance one appreciation of the amazingness of these guys. It is also a much more rugged game at a higher level, I think UVM should chill out about some of the sliding and contact rules personally

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