I am fully aware that everyone has decided that new Facebook layout blows, but it is just time to face facts. At the end of the day, we aren't in control. Facebook is. They own Facebook. They control Facebook.
The old Facebook layout was cool and was pretty user-friendly and we knew how to use it and everything was well and good.
We miss those days, right? When old Facebook was standard, but if you felt a bit adventurous you could 'try' the new Facebook and see how you like it. Now you clicked it just to give it another shot and they took away the option to change back to the old Facebook! Those jerks (?) !
The campaigns have begun already and are in force. Thousands upon thousands are members of groups designed to restore Facebook unto its former slightly-more-disorganized glory! How dare those bastards who thought up, funded and put together Facebook tell us what is best for the site about whose inner workings we know next to nothing? They are no one! Rise against! E-lobbyists, prepare your cyber petitions! Rail against the system! If not enough people sign the petition, make up names and type them in! No one would ever know, right? Besides, I am sure there is someone, somewhere named Charlene Demple, right?!?
Go forth and be fruitcakes! Err, fruitless! Nono, I mean. Um. I lost the thread of that thought. Sorry, I never really was good at zeal.
The point is: give it up. Turn your frown upside down (or at least into a quietly pained grimace) and get used to the new Facebook. Srsly.

If you're not sure what each of those glands (ductless organs) does, then you should spend less time on Facebook and more time in biolofy. Just saying.
But I digress. The New Facebook is actually kind of cool when you take the time to actually examine it. It has all the applications along the bottom of the page to keep them out of the way on the left. Changing your status is just as easy and the fun features like updates and chat are still intact. Profiles look different, but really they just moved the wall up to the top of the page so that you can get to it more easily instead of scrolling through endless applications. Facebook has allowed us to prioritize. That isn't accurate, actually. Facebook has prioritized for us the things that we meant to set in order but never actually got around to setting in order.
Facebook is like a teenage friend who decided a lime green mullet was a great idea. Sure, you disapprove of the new looks and behind that friend's back you snicker a little and make small groups planning to do something about things. But now just as then you will do nothing and your friend Facebook will just have to learn the hard way. Not that there is a hard way.
Facebook has your back. Why don't you have its?
Their is nothing good about the new Facebook, it has too much going on the screen. The simplicity of the old Facebook was what made it so superior to Myspace in my mind. But now that Facebook has blown it, I am sure their will be another networking site ready to take over.
I think it's incredibly dumb that people are making SUCH a big deal about the new version of facebook. Every other time I log on it seems like someone's status is " _______ is missing/hating/despising the new facebook." Seriously, get over it. You all know that you're still going to use it to talk to people, to stalk your ex-boyfriend, to check out to your potential roommates, and send endless amounts of bumper stickers to your friends. And if the change in facebook is everyone's biggest problem in the world, I would say you're probably going to survive -after all, the sky hasn't fallen yet.
I agree with Chas. I really like how simple old facebook was and how standard everything was. But I also hold the stance that is dribble for anyone to take this much stock into facebook at all. This blog post for instance is putting too much thought and argument into it. I feel ashamed I'm discussing it even with this comment. But I had to comment something
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