Thursday, September 11, 2008

Interview of the Famous James

I interviewed James about the his favorite digital story.
drrogers: What is your favorite Digital Story?
James: "M.S.K Running " by morne Solomon

drrogers:could you summarize your favorite Digital short story?
James: It is told from the perspective of Morne Solomon who had a troubled child hood. His father left when he was a baby. He was part of a big family, his mother was there to take care of him. He focuses on sports and other activities to keep his mind off the turmoil in his home life. He wants to set a good example for other children.
drrogers:Why was this your favorite?
James: It was Straight forward and to the point. I could relate to some of it like sports to get your mind off of stuff. I could see the kid in me.
drrogers:What was your least favorite part?
James:He seemed naive in some of his statements. His commentaries at the beginning were a little unnecessary.

Last thoughts: Interviewing is really hard to quote accurately.

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