As awesome as that film was, though, I am not actually campaigning for it tonight. It does that for itself. I am actually concerned for the Anchroman legacy. There are plans in action for the production of an Anchorman sequel, due to begin production in just a few years. Generally, sequels suck. If you don't believe me, watch Scary Movie or Mulan (or any other Disney movie, really. Toy Story II? C'mon...). So, in light of the fact that Anchorman was such a smashing movie, I am afraid that if I watch a sequel, I will be turned off on both of the movies.
I don't want that. At all. It would make me sad. In a bad way (as opposed to the good way?) I say no to another Anchorman movie. I know that even if it isn't as good as the original, it could still be phenominal (half of infinitely funny is still infinitely funny, but more finitely so. That doesn't make sense? Too bad.). Even with that knowledge, I don't want thissequel to sully the pristine name of Anchorman. I will watch the sequel, have no doubt. But I had better not be forced to regret it.
As an aside, the production of the sequel was announced on May 5, 2008 (my birthday, just so you know. It's also Karl Marx's birthday). How do I know that? Wikipedia!
By the way, I found this image today. I find it hilarious. I hope you do too.

Old School is a work of comedic genius and Ferrell's performance in that is nothing short of epic. Calling his nuanced and multilayered form of acting in that movie anything other than "sublime" or "stellar" is a sin of the highest order. That being said, I agree that Anchorman is a truly classic piece of comedic cinema, on par even with the great Super Troopers
I'm afraid I have to disagree with you on a few things. But let me first say that I don't think Anchorman isn't funny or that Will's acting wasn't superb. However I don't think it was the funniest movie of the last 5 years. Sorry, it was Superbad. Certainly Anchorman is top 5 quality however. Also, not all sequels suck, but they are generally the exception rather than the rule. The only Disney movie they will recognize as part of thier offical "canon" of animated features is the Rescures Down Under. How do I know that? Wikipedia.
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