Thursday, September 11, 2008

Interview with a Damn Liar (haha weak pun...I=hateme)

I interviewed Austin Underwood about the digital story "Rituals." Aside from not remembering what the Story was about at first, here's what Austin had to say:

C@: Alright, so which was your favorite digital story?
AU: Rituals... wait. Was it shoes? No, no, Rituals. I am certain.
C@: (Yeah. Right.) Go ahead and summarize it for me.
AU: Alright, this woman's talking about how her mother-in-law (hyphens added. He didn't pronounce them) was healthy and then got sick and died really quickly. Like in weeks. She also said that death rituals aren't for the dead but are for the living and help the living to cope with the dead being dead. There was also something about a sisterhood. But I don't know what.
C@: ...Okay. Why is this your favorite digital story?
AU: Well, I mostly liked the music at the beginning and end.
C@: Oh yeah, it's from Oh Brother, Where Art Thou (Yes, I did pronounce the title in italics).
AU: Is it? All I remember about that movie was John Goodman and a frog. Or something.
C@: No, no. It's totally in there. At the scene with the baptism at the river. You know...? Anyway, it was in there. What was your least favorite part of the digital story?
AU: Um... (under breath) oh, snap... *Nervous chuckle* (twice). Let me watch it again... Oh, I didn't like the woman's voice. I forgot how annoying that was. Maybe this was actually my least favorite video.
C@: Yeah.

Austin is a blogger himself. His blog is called "Royale With Cheese" and if you go there you will see many of the aforementioned Royale with Cheese.

If you'd like to watch the digital story that Austin watched and subsequently forgot, it's called "Rituals."


A Underwood said...

Way to screw the linking up to my blog

Kaleb said...

Oops, my bad. I typed "quarterpounder" correctly. You spelled it "quaterpounder". So sorry that I use all the letters in words. It's very passé, I know.
