Anyway, I could make neither heads nor tails of the ending. I read the Twitters, and I even went to the friends' links on the Twitters and checked out almost all of the blogfriends from Lisa's blog. After all that investigation into the ending for this story, all I am left with is three letters. WTF!
The story was interesting, once I got the hang of the format and started reading from to bottom and working my way toward the top of the page. I read eagerly. I finished reading angrily. Who is this author (actually, who is the author? For real? I don't remember his/her name...) to leave me hanging so cruelly? It just isn't right. Instead of a warm, fuzzy feeling that I have finished a book and know how it ended I am left with this:
Did you see that? That's right. I am left with this:

Yep. A whole lot of nothing.
I dislike people who like to deform the plot triangle. It is a good formula. It has always worked. How is it an upgrade to make it look like this:
It doesn't look nicer to me.
UPDATE: I did a lot of searching, and apparently after the posts went up an update was posted for a short while before being removed. It read:
Turns out that dream fairylands also contain nightmares.
As soon as I got
back I found this note in the kitchen. Ma and Pa have gone down there! I wish I
had time to say more, but I've got to go back and find them. It's so easy to get
lost there, places shift around and change, and you lose track of time.
haven't called the police. What are they going to say to a wacko american girl
with some crazy story about a rabbit hole? And I don't think Jacomo would be a
happy bunny if a team of detection dogs came down his burrow.
What really
happened to Mary Jane? First mom said it was a car crash, with a strange animal,
then she starts telling people it was a plane crash.
It's stupid, I've
wished enough times that my parents would disappear forever, and now all I want
is them back here, yelling at me about insignificant, normal life problems.
-We Tell Stories, Slice - Despoiler - We Tell Stories found on 09.09.2008 at:<
Interesting, neh?
1 comment:
Haha. The author's name by the way is Toby Litt. I don't know exactly what he was planning. I think that not knowing what the hell is going on was most certainly part of the design. Like a riddle, it's no fun till its all done. Maybe Slice is having a crazy trip?
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