I think I'm depressed. I have no motivation to do anything, anyway, and I rarely find myself smiling. Not real smiles, anyway. Those fake, plastic-looking ones that never quite reach one's eyes (turns out, humans can't move those muscles consciously. It's a dead-giveaway for a fake smile. I've been found out, or could be) are all that I can seem to generate, and even those seem to come more and more infrequently.
This weekend we're to go to Albany to stay with Ryan's (Evan's roommate's) cousin Robert. I had fun last time, but I can't get excited to go again. We went to the movies last night, but a combination of my preexisting ill-humor and the fact that we were watching Shrek Forever After did not yield a fun time.
I dunno. Maybe I'll feel right as rain soon, but for today, I don't. Or yesterday. Or the day before that. Or for a while now, going back to when UVM was still in session. This past semester really sucked, but I haven't gotten out of my bad mood from it. On a (most probably) more correct note, I think that I was in a bad mood then because my courses either weren't challenging, weren't informative or were decidedly too difficult (here, I use decidedly to mean that the professor had decided to make the course harder than it normally would have been.), and I am in a bad mood now from a combination of boredom and other things that I shan't discuss here (no one really needs to air their dirty laundry. It can just be washed and then left to dry up. I wash regularly, so I guess I just need to dry up at this point).
I dunno. Maybe life is supposed to be boring.
I dunno. Maybe my life just happens to be boring.
This isn't boring:
As an aside, I don't really like the new YouTube layout. I understand why they have changed it (and here, that isn't just a vague statement. I actually do understand why they did it), but I still must admit that it is less ... ... ... something. Maybe it's just less.
Also, sorry it's been so long since I've posted. Before I was too busy to say anything, and now I find I've nothing to say.
So I'll stop saying it.